It's been awhile since I've posted anything stitching-related, so it's time to come clean. I've been too embarrassed to admit to my bad behavior. I hang my head in shame! But as I take stock of my stitching career, I noticed that I have only had ONE finish this year, despite my best intentions. Instead of sticking to my rotation, and finishing one of my many languishing WIPs, I have started two new ones! One was accidental, as you Mira BBers already know, the other I blame on the HAED SAL... No! This post is about accountability! No more excuses! I have only myself to blame.
So here's my (now revised) rotation calendar. I have a new spot for my new HAED start, which should only be a one-weekend-a-month thing, if I can keep from stitching it (wait till you see....she's gorgeous). Then I'm gonna finish Fairy Roses, then knock out The Kiss, before it becomes a UFO. Maybe. We'll see!