Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter - no spoilers

I've been depressed for the last 3 days, ever since I finished the latest Harry Potter book. I don't know whether i'm more depressed over the contents, or the fact that I finished it. No more Harry Potter to read until the next, and final, installment. It was wonderfully written. It was wonderfully suspenseful. It was wonderfully surprising. It was wonderfully depressing. It was a wonderful experience.

Monday, July 11, 2005


It's been awhile since I've posted anything stitching-related, so it's time to come clean. I've been too embarrassed to admit to my bad behavior. I hang my head in shame! But as I take stock of my stitching career, I noticed that I have only had ONE finish this year, despite my best intentions. Instead of sticking to my rotation, and finishing one of my many languishing WIPs, I have started two new ones! One was accidental, as you Mira BBers already know, the other I blame on the HAED SAL... No! This post is about accountability! No more excuses! I have only myself to blame.

So here's my (now revised) rotation calendar. I have a new spot for my new HAED start, which should only be a one-weekend-a-month thing, if I can keep from stitching it (wait till you see....she's gorgeous). Then I'm gonna finish Fairy Roses, then knock out The Kiss, before it becomes a UFO. Maybe. We'll see!

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